2555 publications
Northern Ireland Needs Assessment for Urgent and Emergency Care
DoH Policies screened during the period: 1st July 2018 – 30th September 2018
DoH Register of gifts and hospitality
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: inpatient and day case waiting times September 2018
IHRD - PID and Orientation Briefings
Retrospective review of surgery for urogynaecological prolapse and stress urinary incontinence using tape or mesh experimental statistics, Northern Ireland, April 2008 - March 2017
Licensing and guidance of controlled drugs
Health survey Northern Ireland: first results 2017/18
Northern Ireland health and social care (HSC) key facts workforce bulletin June 2018
Quarterly direct payments statistics September 2018
Quarterly child protection statistics for Northern Ireland July - September 2018
Making it Better Through Pharmacy in the Community
Letters and advice on the regulation of medicines 2018
Educational Material Surrounding Death - GP's & Community Health
Educational Material Surrounding Death - QUB Undergraduate Students
Guidelines for Death Certification - Handwritten MCCD
Guidelines for Matters Relating to the Coroner
Safety Quality and Standards Circulars 2013-2014
Quality and outcomes framework (QOF) achievement data 2017/18
Exception reporting data 2017/18