This page contains Information on the IHRD - Education and Training Workstream

Workstream Task

The task of Workstream 6 Education and Training, is to implement 6 actions from 6 IHRD recommendations as set out below in the workstream brief. 

Workstream Brief

Workstream Membership

Name Organisation
Fiona Bradley Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery 
Katrina Keating Northern Ireland Ambulance Service 
Peter Barbour Department of Health
Jackie McIlroy Department of Health
Heather Finlay Department of Health
Hazel Winning Department of Health
Carol Curran Ulster University
Melissa McCullough Health and Social Care Board 
Joe Stewart Public Health Agency 
Ann McConnell Western Health and Social Care Trust
Colin Adair Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning and Development 

Notes of Meetings 

Additional Publications

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