This page contains Information on the IHRD - Duty of Quality - RQIA Remit Subgroup

Workstream Task

The IHRD - Workstream 3 - Duty of Quality - RQIA Remit Subgroup is tasked with taking forward 5 of the 28 Workstream actions allocated to the Duty of Quality Workstream. These are set out below in the Workstream Brief. 

Workstream Brief

Workstream Membership

Name Organisation
Donna Ruddy Department of Health
Mary McColgan Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
Suzanne Pullins Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Carol McCullough Service User/Carer
Laura Collins Service User/Carer
Dale Ashford Northern Ireland Ambulance Service
Trudy Reid Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Jennifer Lamont Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
Johnny Graham Service User/Carer
Anne Kane Health and Social Care Board
Michelle Morris Northern Health and Social Care Trust


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