Professional medical and environmental health advice
Cannabis-based medicinal products
Support and guidance for clinicians in Northern Ireland, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), on the prescribing of cannabis-based medicinal products
Guidance surrounding Death
Verification, Certification, Burial and Cremation, Stillbirth, Coroner and Bereavement
HSC research and development (R&D)
The current strategy for Health and Social Care Research and Development is aligned to five strategic priorities.
Professional good practice guidelines
Environmental health
Health and wellbeing is influenced by the wider physical environment. By addressing the wider determinants of health, including food safety, housing standards, health and safety, air quality, noise and environment issues generally, environmental health makes a fundamental contribution to the maintenance and improvement of public health.
Professional regulation and development
Chief Medical Officer
HSS(MD) Letters and urgent communications
Advice from the Chief Medical Officer to HSC professionals.