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2513 publications

Physical activity for pregnant women

Published 29 June 2017Guidance literature

This report presents findings from the young persons behaviour & attitudes survey.

Published 14 June 2017Statistical reports

These tables contain the latest figures for each of the key indicators of the wider social determinants of health & wellbeing set out against each of the themes contained in the making life better strategic framework.

Published 13 June 2017Statistical reports

Nursing and Midwifery Task Group – Summary Communiqué of Meeting on 24 May 2017

Published 09 June 2017Agendas and minutes

This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland.

Published 07 June 2017Statistical reports

The Department of Health is recruiting a Non-Executive Chair and three Non-Executive Directors to the Western HSC Trust (WHSCT).

Published 06 June 2017Notices

The purpose of publishing the screening outcomes report is to ensure that stakeholders are aware of any final decisions in relation to completed screenings.

Published 06 June 2017Guidance literature

In fulfilling its obligations under Section 75 the Department is required to equality screen all of its policies and services under consideration to determine whether they should be subject to a full equality impact assessment (EQIA).

Published 26 May 2017Guidance literature

The Department of Health is recruiting a Non-Executive Chair and 7 Non-Executive Members (1 Lay; 3 Stakeholder; and 3 Registrant) to the NI Social Care Council (NISCC) with effect from October/November 2017.

Published 23 May 2017Forms

This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter by age, gender, category of abuse, legal status and duration on the register.

Published 18 May 2017Statistical reports

In October 2016, a 10 year approach to transforming health and social care was launched, “Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together”.

Published 16 May 2017Development plan/framework

Minister O’Neill, in her vision statement of 25 October 2016, announced that she would appoint a Nursing and Midwifery Task Group.  This group will report to the Health Minister by Spring 2018 with recommendations on how the contribution from nursing and midwifery c

Published 12 May 2017Consultation reports

This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 10th May 2017.

Published 10 May 2017Statistical reports

The published tables (updated quarterly) include the number and rate of children referred for an assessment for autism and the number and rate of children diagnosed with autism each quarter.

Published 09 May 2017Statistical reports

This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 28th April 2017.

Published 28 April 2017Statistical reports

Presents information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland for both new and unplanned review attendances, and reports on the performance of against the ministerial target in Northern Ireland.

Published 27 April 2017Statistical reports

This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 27th April 2017.

Published 27 April 2017Statistical reports

This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 26th April 2017.

Published 26 April 2017Statistical reports

This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 7th April 2017.

Published 07 April 2017Statistical reports

This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 7th November 2017.

Published 07 April 2017Statistical reports

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