2603 publications
Pension Services Return - Annex C - March 2018
Pension Services Return - Annex C - March 2018
A District Nursing Framework 2018-2026
Over the past few years, there have been five reviews and reforms of health and social care in Northern Ireland (Transforming your Care (2011), The Right Time, The Right Place (2014), Review of HSC Structures...
Workforce Strategy Initial Engagement Findings
Initial engagement with key stakeholders on the development of the workforce strategy commenced in January 2017.
Workforce Strategy - Workforce Information
The total size of the ‘human, health and social work activities’ sector is estimated to be 126,380 jobs as at March 2017, covering public and private sectors (including those known as independent and voluntary sectors
HSC Manual of Accounts 2017-2018
HSC Manual of Accounts 2017-2018
Standards for Nursing Assistants and associated resources
The Department has launched a suite of resources aimed at strengthening the vital role undertaken by our Nursing Assistants working in Northern Ireland HSC Trusts.
Induction and Development Pathway for Nursing Assistants
Induction and Development Pathway for Nursing Assistants - employed by HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland
1 Non-Executive Chair NI Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS 1/17) And 1 Non-Executive Chair South Eastern HSC Trust (SEHSCT 1/17)
The Department of Health (DoH) is recruiting the following:1 Non-Executive Chair for the NI Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS); and1 Non-Executive Chair for the South Eastern HSC Trust (SEHSCT).
Safety Quality and Standards Circulars 2017 -2018
Advice in relation to Safety, Quality and Standards for 2017-2018
Equality Screening Report - Quarter 3
The purpose of publishing the screening outcomes report is to ensure that stakeholders are aware of any final decisions in relation to completed screenings.
Minutes of the NI Revalidation Delivery Board
Minutes of meetings of the NI Revalidation Delivery Board
Framework for Preventing and Addressing Overweight and Obesity 2012–2022 - Progress Report on 2015–19 outcomes (June 2016– June 2017)
This report outlines the current progress (June 2016 to June 2017) made under the current implementation[i], of the ten year obesity prevention framework A Fitter Future for All 2012–2022.
Standard amendments GC Works 7 - DoH
This Measured Term Contract should be used by all HSC Bodies and NIFRS taking account of the following guidance notes, model forms and supplementary conditions
DoH Policies screened during the period: 1 October 2017 – 31 December 2017
In fulfilling its obligations under Section 75 the Department is required to equality screen all of its policies and services under consideration to determine whether they should be subject to a full equality impact assessment...
Estates and Facilities Publications
Estates and FacilitiesThis area provides relevant policy information and best practice guidance related to the design, management and operation of the healthcare estate including engineering services and specialist systems.Document ‘Status of Estates Policy and Guidance...
Patient and Client Council (PCC 1/18) A Non-Executive Chair & Non-Executive Members
The Department of Health is seeking to appoint a Non-Executive Chair and Non-Executive Members (1 with financial experience) to the Patient and Client Council (PCC). Initial appointments will be for a maximum period of 4...
Must Documentation for Hospital
Must documentation for Hospital
Northern Ireland care leavers 2016/17
This annual publication presents information on those aged 16 – 18 who left care during the previous financial year including educational achievement, economic activity and placement prior to leaving care. The circumstances of those who...
Northern Ireland care leavers 2012/13 to 2021/22
This annual publication presents information on those aged 16 – 18 who left care during the previous financial year including educational achievement, economic activity and placement prior to leaving care. The circumstances of those who...
Stress at work 2015/16
This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 8th January 2018.