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2432 publications

The published tables (updated quarterly) include the number and rate of children referred for an assessment for autism and the number and rate of children diagnosed with autism each quarter.

Published 08 November 2019Statistical reports

This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter by age, gender, category of abuse, legal status and duration on the register.

Published 07 November 2019Statistical reports

In October 2016, the Department launched Delivering Together 2026, setting out a ten year programme of work to fundamentally change our health and care services.

This newsletter provides service users and HSC employees updates on progress being made.

Published 04 November 2019Promotional material

All previous archived editions of the Public Appointments Newsletter 

Published 04 November 2019Correspondence

These tables present QOF achievement data.

Published 01 November 2019Statistical reports

This bulletin and tables presents quality and outcomes framework (QOF) exception reporting data.

Published 01 November 2019Statistical reports

This report presents information on a range of community activity gathered from health and social care (HSC) trusts including contacts with HSC trusts, care packages in effect, meals on wheels services, residential and nursing accommodation and day care registrations. 

Published 30 October 2019Statistical reports

As part of the new, practice based multi-disciplinary team, your GP Practice now has a First Contact Physiotherapy service.

You can book this directly without first seeing your GP.

Published 29 October 2019Guidance literature

Statistical reports relating to scientific procedures on living animals in Northern Ireland by year.

Published 29 October 2019Statistical reports

Publications related to IHRD - Workstream 6

Published 28 October 2019Development plan/framework

Summary of information on all clinical/social care negligence cases open, settled or closed in Northern Ireland during the year.

Published 25 October 2019Statistical reports

Presents information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland for both new and unplanned review attendances, and reports on the performance of against the ministerial target in Northern Ireland.

Published 24 October 2019Statistical reports

This note is written as if there is a no deal scenario. If there is a deal the deadline is extended to 30 June 2021 for the EU Settlement Scheme.

Published 23 October 2019Notices

Guidance and instructions for completing 'Return of Procedures - Animal Use Data' form.

Published 23 October 2019Guidance literature

Phase 1 Commencement

Published 22 October 2019Guidance literature

External financial guidance issued by DoH to the Health and Social Care bodies (HSC) and Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)

Published 21 October 2019Circulars

To complement the existing staff within GP practices.

Published 17 October 2019Guidance literature

As part of the new practice based multi-disciplinary team, your GP practice now has a social work service available to registered patients of all ages.

You can book this service directly without first seeing your GP.

Published 17 October 2019Guidance literature

Quality 2020 is a ten year strategy designed to protect and improve quality in health and social care in Northern Ireland.  

Published 14 October 2019Policy papers

Datasets and business rules containing the information required to identify those patients who are eligible for inclusion on the disease register, indicator denominator and the indicator numerator.

Published 14 October 2019Guidance literature

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