2603 publications
Quarterly Autism Statistics for NI (January - March 2020)
The published tables (updated quarterly) include the number and rate of children referred for an assessment for autism and the number and rate of children diagnosed with autism each quarter.
Audiology Completed Waits 2019/20
These tables present information from the health and social care (HSC) board on completed waits for people waiting to be fitted with a hearing aid. Figures are presented regionally, by HSC trust and by weeks...
Emergency Care Waiting Times Statistics: January – March 2020
Presents information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland for both new and unplanned review attendances, and reports on the performance of against the ministerial target in Northern Ireland.
Ad hoc ED Annual Statistical Table 2019/20 (Management Information)
DoH publish statistics on Emergency Care Waiting Times. However, figures covering the current period, are not due to be published until June 2020. This management information is a summary of provisional information on attendances at...
Daily dashboard updates on COVID-19 - May 2020
PDF versions of daily updates on COVID-19
Management Information relating to Admissions to HSC Trust Hospitals in Northern Ireland in 2019 and 2020 for the period 9th March to 17th April 2020
DoH publishes annual statistical tables on Hospital Admissions. However, data covering the current period are not due to be published until August and December 2020.
Management Information relating to Emergency Care attendances in Northern Ireland in 2019 and 2020 for the period 9th March to 17th April
DoH publish statistical tables on Emergency Care Waiting Times. However, figures covering the current period, are not due to be published until June and July 2020.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: diagnostic waiting times March 2020
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a diagnostic service and diagnostic reporting turnaround times.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: inpatient and day case waiting times March 2020
Information is detailed below on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for ordinary and day case admissions at health and social care (HSC) trusts in Northern Ireland. The publications report on...
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: outpatient waiting times March 2020
Information is detailed below on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for a first appointment at a consultant-led outpatient service and integrated clinical assessment and treatment services (ICATS) at health and...
Covid-19 Test, Trace, Protect, Support Strategy
Covid-19 Test, Trace, Protect, Support Strategy
Northern Ireland Waiting Time Statistics: Summary as at March 2020
Hospital wating times key statistics - a summary of key information relating to Outpatient, Inpatient and Diagnostic waiting times for quarter ending March 2020.
Advice for blind and partially sighted people during coronavirus (COVID-19)
This document highlights some key contact numbers and advice on how to get support in your local community.
DoH Policies screened during the period: 1st October 2019-31st December 2019
In fulfilling its obligations under Section 75 the Department is required to equality screen all of its policies and services under consideration to determine whether they should be subject to a full equality impact assessment...
The prevalence of autism (including Asperger’s Syndrome) in school age children in Northern Ireland 2020
This annual report aims to show the prevalence rate of autism amongst the compulsory school age population. Analyses are provided by health and social care trust, gender, school year, special educational needs and multiple deprivation...
Breach of Code of Practice Notification
Breach of Code of Practice Notification
Mental Health Action Plan
The Action Plan contains 38 actions, including a commitment to produce a mental health strategy, which will include a comprehensive funding plan for mental health. There is also a plan on dealing with the response...
Quarterly direct payments statistics for Northern Ireland March 2020
Presents quarterly information collected from health and social care (HSC) trusts on the number of and the amount paid by direct payments, broken down by HSC trust and client group. The direct payments information return...
Executive Decision-Making Framework on Coronavirus Regulations
Assessment of proposed amendments to restrictions/requirements, 14 May 2020
COVID-19 - The Safe at Home Model
Guidance for care homes on a proposed new model ‘Safe at Home’.