Physician Associate (PA) Workshop
Following the launch of “Health and Well-being 2026: Delivering Together” and in support of the Department’s Workforce Strategy, the Department of Health in Northern Ireland has been working with the University of Ulster in supporting the development of the Physician Associate Profession locally.
Physician Associate (PA) is a developing profession within the local health sector but is already firmly established world-wide. PAs work alongside medical staff under the delegated authority of a doctor.
PAs are trained in medicine and work in partnership with doctors and other members of multidisciplinary teams.
Their introduction to the workforce of the HSC will help to:
- Build capacity
- Expand the skills mix
- Redistribute physician workload
- Expand mid-level staffing
- Help meet demand for increased quality of care
- Enhance stability and continuity of care
The Department is hosting a workshop in The Old School Canteen, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh, on 2 October 2018. This event will highlight the role of the PA and outline both the requirements of our training partners and the support available.
This event will highlight the role of the PA and outline both the requirements of our training partners and the support available.
Come along to find out:
- Who are they?
- What can they do?
- How can they help the medical workforce?
The event is free to attend and 2 sessions are available, 9.30 a.m—1 p.m. and 2 p.m.—5.30 p.m.
Please register your interest for either session via e-mail
Further information including itinerary, speakers bios will be made available to download prior to workshop.