Medicines management
The ultimate goal of safe and effective medicines management is to optimise the benefits that treatment offers and attain the best outcome for each patient.
The right medicine for the right patient at the right time
Activities which promote safe and effective medicines management occur at each stage of the medicines journey including:
- manufacturing and marketing
- procurement
- selection
- prescribing
- dispensing
- sale or supply
- patient use
- disposal
Role of department
The Department's role is to ensure that policies relating to medicines:
- drive improvements in the quality and cost effectiveness of medicines management across the HSC
- support the delivery of safe medication practice
- provide equitable access to medicines for all the population of Northern Ireland
Practice Based Pharmacists
In December 2015, Simon Hamilton MLA announced a five year initiative that would see additional investment in 2016/17 of up to £2.6m, rising to £14m per year in 2020/21, to provide for pharmacists to work alongside GPs. By year 5 there will be approximately 300 (whole time equivalent) practice based pharmacists in post. Pharmacists in GP practices will allow GPs more time to spend with patients and improve patient outcomes. It will also improve the safety of prescribing, reduce the level of errors and waste through managing prescribing systems, medical reviews and reconciliation.
Statement by the Strategic Leadership Group for Pharmacy endorsing Practice Based Pharmacists.
Further information on medicines management from the Health and Social Care Board