2573 publications
EU Exit Letter from Cathy Harrison to HSC organisations re extension period next steps - 21 November 2019
EU Exit Letter to HSC Organisations
Agenda for Change Letter
Letter to Trade Unions issued by DoH on 20th November 2019
MCA(NI) 2016 – Process Maps - November 2019
The following process maps provide short summaries of a number of key aspects in relation to the new deprivation of liberty processes:
IHRD - Workstream 7 - User Experience and Advocacy - Notes of Meetings
Notes of IHRD - Workstream 7 - User Experience and Advocacy Meetings
IHRD - Workstream 5 - Serious Adverse Incidents - Notes of Meetings
Notes of IHRD - Workstream 5 - Serious Adverse Incidents Meetings
Social Work and Homelessness - Reflections
This is the fourth edition of the Office of Social Services’ Reflections series. It is designed to support social workers in N. Ireland to gain a better understanding of homelessness and to use that understanding...
Quarterly autism statistics for NI (July - September 2019)
The published tables (updated quarterly) include the number and rate of children referred for an assessment for autism and the number and rate of children diagnosed with autism each quarter.
Quarterly child protection statistics for Northern Ireland July - September 2019
This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter by age, gender, category of abuse, legal status and duration on the register. The number...
Delivering Together Hospital Reconfiguration Update
In October 2016, the Department launched Delivering Together 2026, setting out a ten year programme of work to fundamentally change our health and care services.This newsletter provides service users and HSC employees updates on progress...
Public Appointments Newsletter Archive
All previous archived editions of the Public Appointments Newsletter
Quality and outcomes framework (QOF) achievement data 2018/19
These tables present QOF achievement data.
Exception reporting data 2018/19
This bulletin and tables presents quality and outcomes framework (QOF) exception reporting data.
Statistics on community care for adults in Northern Ireland 2018/19
This report presents information on a range of community activity gathered from health and social care (HSC) trusts including contacts with HSC trusts, care packages in effect, meals on wheels services, residential and nursing accommodation...
Statistics of scientific procedures on living animals in Northern Ireland
Statistical reports relating to scientific procedures on living animals in Northern Ireland by year.
General Practice Multi-Disciplinary Teams - First Contact Physiotherapy Service
As part of the new, practice based multi-disciplinary team, your GP Practice now has a First Contact Physiotherapy service.You can book this directly without first seeing your GP.
IHRD - Workstream 6 - Training - Publications
Publications related to IHRD - Workstream 6
Clinical / social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland 2018/19
Summary of information on all clinical/social care negligence cases open, settled or closed in Northern Ireland during the year.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: emergency care waiting times July - September 2019
Presents information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland for both new and unplanned review attendances, and reports on the performance of against the ministerial target in Northern Ireland.
Animal scientific procedures - annual returns advice and form
Guidance and instructions for completing 'Return of Procedures - Animal Use Data' form.
EU Exit Note including Signposting for EUSS for Employees working in the Health Sector
This note is written as if there is a no deal scenario. If there is a deal the deadline is extended to 30 June 2021 for the EU Settlement Scheme.