2571 publications
Quality report for audiology completed waits
The objective of this quality report for the Audiology completed Waits publication is to allow users to be informed about the quality of the information upon which they may be making inferences, conclusions and business...
Quality report for direct payments statistics Northern Ireland
The objective of this quality report for the Direct Payment Statistics for NI publication is to allow users to be informed about the quality of the information upon which they may be making inferences, conclusions...
COVID-19 infection survey, Northern Ireland: weekly report 24th March 2023
This bulletin presents the weekly report for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey
Quarterly carers' statistics for Northern Ireland October to December 2022
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland. Figures are presented regionally and by health and social care trust in respect of completed and declined carers’ assessments, reassessments, completed...
The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Extension of Powers to Act for the Protection of Public Health)
Coming into operation 24 March 2023The Department of Health(a), in exercise of the powers conferred by section 90(2) of the Coronavirus Act 2020(b), makes the following order.
Privacy Notice - EU Exit Survey
Privacy Notice
Regional Falls in Care Homes Pathway and Bundle
Community information branch returns timetable
This calendar shows the due dates of community information branch returns for 2024/25.
Office of Social Services – Social Services Officer (4 posts)
Secondment Opportunity Notice
COVID-19 infection survey, Northern Ireland: weekly report 16th March 2023
This bulletin presents the weekly report for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey
Regional policy on the use of Restrictive Practices in Health and Social Care Settings – Public consultation – Consultation Analysis Report and individual responses
This report summarises the findings from the public consultation which closed in October 2021 on the draft Regional Policy on the use of Restrictive Practices in Health and Social Care Settings. The redacted consultation response...
Department of Health Budget 2023-24 Briefing
DoH Budget 2023-24 Briefing
Domiciliary care survey template and guidance
Information for domiciliary care services for adults is collected on an annual basis during a survey week through the CC7b information return.
Quality report for statistics on community care for adults
Background quality report showing how the various dimensions of quality have been considered for statistics on community care for adults.
Public Appointment Competition for Chair of the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS 2/22)
The Department of Health is seeking to appoint a Non-Executive Chair to the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS 2/22).This is an exceptional opportunity to share your talents and expertise to make a positive...
COVID-19 infection survey, Northern Ireland: weekly report 10th March 2023
This bulletin presents the weekly report for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey
Cigarette smoking by selected age groups 2013/14 to 2019/20
This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 10th March 2023.
General health tables from health survey Northern Ireland with marital status and religion breakdowns
This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 10th March 2023.
GHQ12 tables from health survey Northern Ireland with marital status and religion breakdowns
This information has been produced from the health survey Northern Ireland and issued 10th March 2023.
Privacy Notice - Special Recognition Payments (SRP) – Hospices
Privacy Notice.