2603 publications
DoH Complaints Procedure
Quarterly carers' statistics for Northern Ireland January to March 2023
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland. Figures are presented regionally and by health and social care trust in respect of completed and declined carers’ assessments, reassessments, completed...
A Guide to Developing the Role of Consultant Pharmacists in Northern Ireland
The guidance provides direction on supporting a consistent approach to the introduction of senior clinical pharmacy roles within and across HSC organisations.
Pharmacist Workforce Survey
Pharmacist Workforce Survey 2022
IHRD Recommendations Phase 1 & Phase 2 (Updated June 2023)
IHRD Recommendations
CAMHS waiting time statistics for Northern Ireland (March 2023)
This quarterly report presents the total number of children and adolescents referred to mental health services who are waiting for their initial assessment by the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), broken down by...
Acute maternity services – Decision to approve trust board recommendation post consultation
Letter from the Permanent Secretary and HSC Chief Executive
ECCF - Table of Recommendations
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: outpatient waiting times March 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a first consultant-led outpatient appointment and a first integrated clinical assessment and treatment services (ICATS) appointment.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: diagnostic waiting times March 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a diagnostic service and diagnostic reporting turnaround times.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: inpatient and day case waiting times March 2023
This statistical release presents information on waiting times for admission for inpatient or day case treatment in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: inpatient and day case waiting times June 2022 to March 2023
This statistical release presents information on waiting times for admission for inpatient or day case treatment in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: diagnostic waiting times June 2022 to March 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a diagnostic service and diagnostic reporting turnaround times.
Northern Ireland health and social care (HSC) workforce vacancies March 2023
A quarterly publication of HSC vacancies actively being recruited to by staff group and HSC organisation, and also including trend information.
Unacceptable Behaviour and Actions Policy
Northern Ireland health and social care (HSC) workforce statistics March 2023
A quarterly summary of HSC staff by organisation and staff group including summary of 5 year trends.
Audiology completed waits 2022/23
These tables present information from the health and social care (HSC) trusts on completed waits for people waiting to be fitted with a hearing aid. Figures are presented regionally, by HSC trust and by weeks...
2022/23 raw disease prevalence trend data for Northern Ireland
This bulletin presents raw disease prevalence data at GP Federation, LCG and Northern Ireland levels. Time series data is presented for Northern Ireland, with LCG and GP federation data given for the current year, for...
DoH Policies screened during the period: 1 October 2022- 31 December 2022
In fulfilling its obligations under Section 75 the Department is required to equality screen all of its policies and services under consideration to determine whether they should be subject to a full equality impact.
Audiology completed waits 2014/15 to 2022/23
These tables present information from the health and social care (HSC) trusts on completed waits for people waiting to be fitted with a hearing aid. Figures are presented regionally, by HSC trust and by weeks...