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Minister Swann's speaking notes - Press Conference Wednesday 3 February 2021
Today I repeat the central message that we have heard so many times over the last year. Never ever underestimate Covid...
Vaccination booking line for 65-69 year-olds now open
A telephone booking line for vaccination appointments has now been introduced for those unable to use the online system.
Public urged to stick to health guidance - even after vaccination
Don’t drop your guard after getting the vaccine.
‘It’s vital we support our children’s mental health’
Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride, Chief Social Worker Sean Holland and the Interim Mental Health Champion...
Minister Swann Warns Of Dangers of Alcohol Misuse
The harm related to alcohol use is one of the key public health challenges faced by Northern Ireland, Health Minister...
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey Northern Ireland – 17 - 23 January 2021
The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey...
NI’s vaccine numbers climb past 220,000
The number of Covid-19 vaccines administered in Northern Ireland has passed the 220,000 mark.
Ministers welcome rapid testing scheme for Northern Ireland hauliers
The introduction of rapid testing for Northern Ireland hauliers heading to France has been welcomed by the Health...
Publication of Northern Ireland Care Leavers 2019/20
The Department of Health today published a statistical bulletin summarising information on care leavers aged 16-18 in...
Weekly Covid-19 testing for special schools
A programme of weekly testing of pupils and staff is to be introduced in special schools in Northern Ireland at the...
Vaccination slots go online for 65-69-year-olds
People aged 65-69 can now book their Covid-19 vaccination appointments at one of NI’s seven regional vaccination centres...
Additional funding for hospices in recognition of impact of Covid-19
Health Minister Robin Swann today announced additional funding of £1.65 million for hospices in Northern Ireland.
Plans to accelerate vaccinations spelt out
The Department of Health is today publishing a detailed update on Northern Ireland’s Covid-19 vaccination programme.
Department details ongoing work on identification of new variants
In the light of some misleading commentary in recent days, the Department of Health wishes to detail the ongoing work in...
Department of Health details ongoing work on identification of new variants
In the light of some misleading commentary in recent days, the Department of Health wishes to detail the ongoing work in...
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey Northern Ireland – 10 - 16 January 2021
The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey...
Northern Ireland Termination of Pregnancy Statistics 2019/20
The Department of Health (DoH) today published statistics relating to medical abortions and terminations of pregnancy...
Plan to eliminate hepatitis C in Northern Ireland
The Department of Health and Public Health Agency have published a new action plan to eliminate hepatitis C in Northern...
Swann: Please stay at home if you have symptoms or have Covid-19
Health Minister Robin Swann has reiterated his appeal to anyone with symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 to...
Pre-departure testing for all International arrivals to Northern Ireland
From 21 January 2021 international travellers will be required to present a negative Covid-19 test result before...