NHS 75

HSC 75 Infographic


  1. An estimated 296,467 contact hours of domiciliary care were provided by HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland during the survey week in September 2022. Source: Domiciliary care services for adults in Northern Ireland (nisra.gov.uk)
  2. GP There were 1,448 GPs in 2022/23 (excluding Locums)
    Source: Family Practitioner Services GMS Statistics for Northern Ireland 2022/23
  3. Over 464,000 health service funded dental examinations were performed on adults in 2022/23. This figure does not include dental care delivered by health Trusts.
    Source: Publication of Family Practitioner Services General Dental Statistics for Northern Ireland 2022/23 | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk)
  1. During 2021/22, there were 510,834 inpatient and day case admissions to hospital in Northern Ireland.
    Source: Hospital Statistics: Inpatient and Day Case Activity Statistics 2021/22 (health-ni.gov.uk)
  1. There were 44.6 million items dispensed in 2022/23
    Source: General Pharmaceutical Services and Prescribing Statistics (hscni.net)
  1. There were 21,795 hospital births during 2021/22
    Source: Hospital Statistics: Inpatient and Day Case Activity Statistics 2021/22 (health-ni.gov.uk)
  1. 40m diagnostic tests performed by labs
    Source: Health Minister launches major new £40m investment to improve diagnostic services | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk)
  1. During 2021-22, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service received a total of 200,969 calls and for those that required a resource despatched NIAS arrived at the scene for 179,424 incidents.
    Source: NIAS-Annual-report-and-accounts-2021-22 | NIAS (hscni.net)
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