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2540 publications

Guidance for pharmacists and dispensing doctors

Published 15 August 2010Guidance literature

Service framework documents relating to children and young people's health and well being.

Published 05 August 2010Policy papers

Letters and advice on the regulation of medicines issued 2010

Published 03 August 2010Guidance literature

Analysis of responses to the consultation on the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) action plan.

Published 09 July 2010Consultation reports

Quarterly report on child protection statistics. Figures are presented for referrals by source of referral, and for the child protection register by legal status, age, category of abuse and duration on the register.

Published 02 July 2010Statistical reports

Northern Ireland Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery 2010-2015

Published 22 June 2010Policy papers

This pathway has been written with reference to the British Thoracic Society Pleural Disease Guideline 2010. It is based on a range of similar ambulatory care pathways in use in the UK, identified through internet searches.

Published 16 June 2010Guidance literature

This report set out the findings for the GP patient survey in Northern Ireland 2009/10.

Published 15 June 2010Statistical reports

This is a review of the social costs of alcohol misuse in NI.

Published 15 June 2010Statistical reports

This strategy has the overarching aim of improving the health and social wellbeing of the population of the Northern Ireland by improving access to psychological therapies and by being more responsive to service user’s needs.

Published 15 June 2010Consultation reports

Personality Disorders (PD) are significant in terms of prevalence, subsequent morbidity and the challenge to a range of services presented by those with the most chaotic and disturbed behaviour.

Published 15 June 2010Consultation reports

This report presents information on infections among drug users in the UK.

Published 10 June 2010Statistical reports

Documents and guidance relating to the New Strategic Direction on Alcohol and Drugs (2006-11).

Published 09 June 2010Policy papers

Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a first outpatient appointment, admission for inpatient treatment and diagnostic service.

Published 03 June 2010Statistical reports

The First Minister and Deputy First Minister, through the OFMDFM Strategy, ‘Our Children and Young People - Our Pledge’, (2006), aim to improve the life chances for children and young people to ensure that every child, irrespective of race, gender, religious belief

Published 31 May 2010Policy papers

Understanding the Needs of Children in Northern Ireland - Thresholds of Need Model

Published 31 May 2010Guidance literature

Co-operating to Safeguard Children - May 2003

Published 31 May 2010Guidance literature

This policy aims to set out clearly standards for Paediatric Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgery in Northern Ireland.

Published 10 May 2010Guidance literature

Presents information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland for both new and unplanned review attendances, and reports on the performance of against the ministerial target in Northern Ireland.

Published 22 April 2010Statistical reports

A quarterly summary of HSC staff by organisation and staff group including summary of 5 year trends.

Published 20 April 2010Statistical reports

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