Digital Strategy - HSC Northern Ireland 2022 - 2030

Our Digital Vision

Making lives better for the people of Northern Ireland, using digital to transform the way we deliver health, care and well-being services

As we move forward, the role of digital in achieving the ambitions set out in our Health and Wellbeing 2026 - Delivering Together Strategy will come increasingly into focus. Our new Digital Strategy outlines how we will rise to the challenge of delivering the digital transformation needed to improve health and care outcomes going forward, alongside standardisation of our services and coordinated regional management as part of our own change journey. This digital strategy has been developed alongside our people. They have helped shape our priorities and initiatives for successful digital transformation and confirmed our new digital vision. 


For our population, digital holds the potential to provide greater visibility, control and personalisation of care.

We will provide more personalised care, including full visibility of health data and care pathways, moving towards precision medicine to identify the best approaches and care pathways for everyone. A single electronic care record will empower people and staff to have full visibility of care pathways.

We will empower the population to take an active role in care and wellness decision-making, developing new digital ways for people to access health services. This includes easier online communications, virtual assistance and consultations, as well as the ability to view their personal health record. We will co-design solutions that tackle digital inequalities, responding to user needs and ensuring user experience is at the centre.


What is our Digital Vision?


Digital will provide our people with greater visibility and control over treatment and care journeys....more


Digital solutions will put quality and safety at the heart of all new processes, systems and ways of working across health and care pathways ....more


Effective and joined up care through systems integration and streamlined information flows





Digital will enable health and social care professionals and staff to work more efficiently and collaboratively across standardised systems.....more


Making better use of data will optimise performance and harness population health insights, whilst ensuring robust data protection standards .....more


Digital will support the acceleration of research and innovation to gradually embrace system leading disruptive and cutting edge solutions .....more



Thanks for your interest in Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Digital Vision and Strategy. This collection of documents has been produced in collaboration with people – staff members at Trusts and around the system, and through engagement with our service users - patients, clients, carers and their families. We appreciate all the work and contributions to date – but these documents are not the end goal. We can’t have technology for technology’s sake. Addressing the big challenges that our sector faces in the coming years requires more wide and transparent engagement with everyone in the region, and a properly organised programme of improvement. In many ways the publishing of this strategy is the beginning, not the end, of our journey. All the digital teams across the HSC and I, look forward to working with our colleagues and citizens to deliver better quality and safer services, better experience for our users, and a sustainable health and care sector for future generations.


HSC Digital Strategy (full document)
HSC Digital Strategy (summary document)
HSC Cyber Security Strategy
HSC Data Strategy
HSC Innovation Strategy
All-Ireland Digital capability Framework

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