Expert Advisory Panel
The Panel was established to provide an independent perspective on possible solutions to meet the challenges facing the adult care and support system in Northern Ireland and to ultimately develop proposals for reforming the system.
The Panel was informed by widespread engagement through a call for evidence, workshops, site visits and meetings as well as discussion with a service user and carer reference group.
‘Power to People’ Report
The Panel’s 16 proposals on how to reform the adult care and support system are contained in the Report ‘Power to People: proposals to reboot adult care and support in NI’, which was published in December 2017.
The ‘Power to People’ Full Report, Executive Summary and Easy Read versions are all available at Power to People Reports.
Implementing ‘Power to People’
An action plan based on the ‘Power to People’ proposals is currently being developed by a Reform Project Board and Project Team. This action plan will outline the Department’s proposed way forward for the reform of adult care and support and will form the basis of an extensive public consultation in 2019.