This work is overseen by the Service Framework Programme Board, chaired by the Chief Medical Officer and comprising of senior staff within the Department. It is attended by the Chief Executives of HSCB/PHA, RQIA and the PCC.
The HSC Board and the PHA are jointly responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the service frameworks and report on progress twice per year to the Programme Board. They work closely with clinical and social services staff in the Trusts to ensure the success of the frameworks.
The Professional Leads for Service Frameworks are Dr Carolyn Harper, Medical Director, PHA; Fionnuala McAndrew, Director of Social Care and Children, HSCB and the Director of Commissioning, HSCB (currently vacant). They are supported by Project Leads appointed to each Service Framework.
Cardiovascular health and well being
Project Lead: Dr Louise Herron, PHA. Project Manager: Dr Catherine Bane, PHA.
This Service Framework was amended in May 2017 when the Project Board agreed to extend its life-cycle for one additional year, taking it to 2018. It was launched in April 2014.
Respiratory health and well being
Project Lead: Dr Christine McMaster, PHA. Project Manager: Wendy Thornton, PHA.
The most recent amendments were endorsed by the Programme Board in May 2017 and the framework was updated. It was launched in October 2015.
Cancer prevention, treatment and care
Project Leads: Dr Miriam McCarthy, PHA and Cara Anderson, HSCB.
A Cancer Service Indicator Framework is currently in development and is expected to be completed by the end of August 2017.
Mental health and well being
Project Lead: Fionnuala McAndrew, HSCB. Project Manager: Martina McCafferty, HSCB.
A new Service Framework is currently in development and it is hoped that the public consultation will take place in the autumn of 2017.
Learning disability
Project Lead: Fionnuala McAndrew, HSCB. Project Manager: Iolo Eilian, HSCB.
Launched in January 2015, this Service Framework is now in its final year (2017/18).
Older people
Project Lead: Fionnuala McAndrew, HSCB. Project Manager: Joyce McKee, HSCB.
Clinical Lead: Dr Brid Farrell, PHA.
Children and young people's health and well being
Project Lead: Dr Brid Farrell.
Public Consultation on the Framework closed in January 2015. The framework has been undergoing revisions in the light of comments made and new developments in best practice. It will be published in the autumn of 2017.