Mental health and learning disabilities
Useful publications
Police powers and places of safety
- Police powers and places of safety
- AMHU 1/21 - Amendments to Mental Health Legislation and Guidance in Response to Coronavirus Pressures
- HSC MHCU 4/20 - Return of pre-covid mental health legislation and guidance and amendments to mental health order form 10
- Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 - Form 10
- MHCU 3/20 - Revocation of Coronavirus related Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Regulations
- MHCU 2/20 - Coronavirus Emergency Provisions relating to Mental Health and Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards)
- MHCU 1/20 - Emergency Provisions in Relation to Mental Health Second Opinions
- Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 - Form 23
- A strategy for the development of psychological therapy service
- The Northern Ireland personality disorder strategy June 2010
- Promoting Quality Care - Good Practice Guidance on the Assessment and Management of Risk in Mental Health and Learning Disability Services May 2010
- Guidance on the Transfer of Mentally Disordered Patients August 2011
- Child and adolescent mental health services - A service Model - July 2012
- Mental Health NI Order 1986 Prescribed forms
- RQIA – Review of the implementation of Promoting Quality Care - Overview Report October 2012
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) – Interim Guidance
- HSC Service Users in supported housing accommodation
- The Mental Health (Northern Ireland)(Amendment) Order 2018
- HSC MHCU 1/18 -The Mental Health (NI) (Amendment) Order 2018 – Amendment to Article 77 of the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986
- HSC Trust Designated Places of Safety