Vaccination booking extension announced
Date published:
People in Northern Ireland who received a shielding letter because they are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) to Covid-19 will be able to book their vaccination appointments, the Department of Health has announced.

The appointments will be available at the seven regional vaccination centres across the province.
Telephone booking will be available from next week. Some slots for the weekend are already available for online booking from today.
Production of the shielding letters will be required at the centres to confirm eligibility.
Northern Ireland’s vaccination programme is rolling out through a twin track approach involving the regional vaccination centres and GP practices.
GPs are vaccinating those aged 70 plus, while the vaccination centres are also vaccinating 65 to 69 year olds.
Health Minister Robin Swann said: “I am sure this news will be very welcome to all those who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable and have been looking forward to getting vaccinated.
“A start has already been made on the CEV category and offering booked appointments will help to accelerate this.
“I would again appeal to everyone to be patient – whether that’s waiting on the line to book your vaccination appointment by telephone or waiting your turn in the vaccination programme.
“We will get to everyone – the programme is steadily advancing and is making good progress.”
Notes to editors:
- To fall within CEV aged and over bracket you must have been born between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 1957. Age and identity checks will be conducted at the vaccination centres.
- Booking online is available at:
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