Hamilton confirms 2016/17 pay award
Date published:
Health Minister Simon Hamilton has today accepted the recommendations of both the NHS Pay Review Body and the Doctors and Dentists Review Body for a 2016/17 pay award.
The Minister said today: "I announced on 9 February that I had asked the NHS Pay Review Body for a recommendation in respect of a 2016/17 pay award and I indicated at that time that I would honour their conclusions. I have today received copies of the Reports of both independent review bodies. The NHS Pay Review Body Report suggested that certain economic factors ‘could point towards the option of a nil award’ and they stated that they have seen no evidence to say that large numbers of staff are leaving Northern Ireland because of pay.
“However, both Bodies have recommended a 1% increase for Agenda for Change and salaried doctors and dentists in NI in line with the rest of the UK and I am happy to confirm that I am accepting these recommendations for a 1% pay award.
“This will be challenging in what are tough budgetary times but I am clear that it is an appropriate award for our hard working staff, who I am sure will warmly welcome this decision.”
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