The Department of Health is undertaking a public consultation to inform the development of an Adult Protection Bill, subject to the approval of the Northern Ireland Executive.
This consultation builds on the Department of Health's response to the Commissioner for Older People’s Home Truths Investigation into Dunmurry Manor Care Home and CPEA’s Independent Review into Safeguarding and Care at Dunmurry Manor.
Why we are consulting
This consultation offers you the opportunity to share your views on the broad content of the proposed Adult Protection Bill, including the following legislative options:
- Defining the scope of the Bill
- Principles
- Duties to (i) report and (ii) make enquiries
- Power of entry to interview an adult in private
- Independent Advocacy
- Independent Adult Protection Board
- Cooperation and information sharing
- Offences of ill-treatment and wilful neglect
- Statutory Guidance
It also highlights legislative reform which has taken place in Scotland, England and Wales over the years (each having adopted a different approach) and seeks views on whether similar reforms should be introduced in Northern Ireland.