Find out how we use cookies, accessibility of the site, the privacy notice and terms and conditions of use.
Crown copyright
The material on this site is subject to Crown copyright protection unless otherwise indicated.
Terms and conditions
Use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions which follow.
Your privacy
This page explains what information is gathered when using this website. It explains the purpose for using this information, how it is used and for how long it is kept.
When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. These are known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally.
Accessibility statement for
This statement applies to content published on the domain. It does not apply to content on subdomains (for example and and third party domains hosting health-ni services.
Help viewing documents
Most documents on this website will open automatically in your web browser, but if you have trouble viewing a document you may have to install software on your computer or an app on your phone or tablet.