Dentists statistics
These dentists can practise either under the health service or privately and are commonly known as “high street” dentists. They exam teeth and gums and diagnose dental conditions, provide preventive and restorative treatments for problems affecting the mouth and teeth and educate patients on oral health. Most high street dentists work in dental practices where the team may include a dental nurse, hygienist, therapist and technician, plus a receptionist.
Dental funding
Work in information analysis directorate (IAD) over the last few years has been focused on developing a new system for funding dentists, similar to the system introduced for GPs under their new contract in 2004.
Close working with NHS Digital has produced robust studies of dentists’ earnings and expenses and working hours patterns.
Dental activity, workforce and who uses dentists?
The Business Services Organisation (BSO) Information Unit produce a range of statistics for each of the Family Practitioner Services.
The BSO Information Unit presents information on dental activity carried out by general dental practitioners in Northern Ireland. It details information on the number of general dental practitioners in Northern Ireland along with the number of registered patients and the treatments carried out and submitted to BSO for payment.
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