Office of Social Services Circulars
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Circulars issued by the Office of Social Services
- Circular (OSS) 03 / 2022: Role and responsibilities of the DOH deputy secretary/chief social work officer, director of social care and children’s directorate, and executive directors of health and social care trusts
- Circular (OSS) 02 / 2022: Social care and children’s functions (statutory functions): management and professional oversight
- Circular (OSS) 01 / 2022: Legislative and structural arrangements
- Approved Social Work Quality Standards
- Circular (OSS) 1/2018 - Role and responsibilities of Directors of the Health and Social Care Board and Health and Social Care Trusts for Children in Need, Children in Need of Protection and Looked After Children
- Circular (OSS) 2/2018 - The framework for the delegation of complex tasks to social careworkers in Northern Ireland
- Social Work and Mental Health in Northern Ireland
- Circular (OSS) 3/2015 - Legislative and Structural Arrangements in Respect of the Authority of the DHSSPS, the HSC Board and HSC Trusts in the Discharge of Relevant Personal Social Services Functions
- Circular (OSS) 4/2015 - Roles and Responsibilities of the DHSSPS, the HSC Board and the HSC Trusts for the Professional Oversight of the Discharge of Delegated Statutory Functions