The Mental Health Strategy Delivery Plan for 2022/23 sets out the prioritised workstreams under the 2021 – 31 Mental Health Strategy, which was published in June 2021, alongside a 10 year Funding Plan.
The Delivery Plan is published alongside Mental Health Strategy Co-Production/Design Principles, designed to give structure and meaning to the Department’s genuine desire to ensure continued co-production throughout the implementation of the 10 year Strategy.
Both documents can be accessed below.
Mental Health Virtual Reference Group
We are very keen to ensure the public and stakeholders are involved in the Mental Health Strategy implementation process and are kept fully informed. We have a Virtual Reference Group, who we keep up to date by issuing regular e-newsletters. If you would like to join the Virtual Reference Group and receive these e-newsletters, please contact us via the following email address:
Your email address will be stored securely and used only of the purpose intended. Your details will not be shared with anyone and can only be seen by members of the Department of Health - Mental Health Strategy Delivery Unit for the purpose of issuing e-newsletters. Your email address will be deleted in line with our Department’s disposal and retention policy and will not be kept after it’s no longer required for the purpose intended.