Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031
Date published:
Last updated:
In line with commitments made as part of the New Decade, New Approach agreement, Health Minister Robin Swann launched the publication of the new Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031 on 29 June 2021.
The Strategy will set the future strategic direction of mental health services in Northern Ireland for the next decade.
This Strategy has been co-produced together with a broad range of stakeholders, including people with lived experience, carers, the interim Mental Health Champion, health and social care professionals, academics, the voluntary and community sector, and professional bodies.
The Strategy is person centred, takes a whole life approach and a whole system focus and the key aim is to ensure long term improved outcomes for people’s mental health.
The Mental Health Strategy is available below for your convenience along with supporting documentation including:
- funding Plan
- easy Read version
- children and Young People version
- equality Impact Assessment
- screenings for rural, regulatory and children rights impacts
Mental Health Virtual Reference Group
We are very keen to ensure the public and stakeholders are involved in the Mental Health Strategy implementation process and are kept fully informed. We have a Virtual Reference Group, who we keep up to date by issuing regular e-newsletters. If you would like to join the Virtual Reference Group and receive these e-newsletters, please contact us via the following email address:
Your email address will be stored securely and used only of the purpose intended. Your details will not be shared with anyone and can only be seen by members of the Department of Health - Mental Health Strategy Delivery Unit for the purpose of issuing e-newsletters. Your email address will be deleted in line with our Department’s disposal and retention policy and will not be kept after it’s no longer required for the purpose intended.
- Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031
- Funding Plan
- Easy Read version
- Children and Young People version
- Equality Impact Assessment
- Childrens Rights Screening and Impact Assessment
- Rural Impact Assessment Screening
- Regulatory Impact Assessment Screening
- Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031 Delivery Plan for 2022/23
- Mental Health Strategy Progress Update and Delivery Plan 2023-24
- Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031 - Co-Production Design Principles
- Mental Health Strategy Delivery Plan 2024-25