External financial guidance 2018
Date published:
External financial guidance issued by DoH to the Health and Social Care bodies (HSC) and Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)
- HSC (F) 38-2018 - Treasury Minutes on the 31st – 42nd Reports from the Westminster PAC Session 2017-19
- HSC (F) 37-2018 - DAO (DoF) 04/18 - Fraud Proofing Guidance
- HSC (F) 36-2018 - IFRS 16 Leases - deferral of implementation date
- HSC (F) 35-2018 - Treasury Minutes on the 20th–30th Reports from the Westminster PAC Session 2017-19 (INCL a correction to the 11th Report)
- HSC (F) 34-2018 - Review of Financial Processes information request to ALBs November 2018
- HSC (F) 34-2018 - ALB Template 2018
- HSC (F) 33-2018 - Update on IFRS 16 Leases
- HSC (F) 33-2018 - Update on IFRS 16 Leases - Annex A - HFMA Robert Kirk Accounting standards update
- HSC (F) 33-2018 - Update on IFRS 16 Leases - Annex B - IFRS 16 - Lease reassessment modification examples
- HSC (F) 33-2018 - Update on IFRS 16 Leases - Annex C - CIPFA IFRS 16 Readiness Assessment
- HSC(F) 32-2018 - External Consultancy Monitoring Returns 2018-19
- HSC (F) 31-2018 - Review of Financial Processes update to ALBs October 2018
- HSC (F) 30-2018 - Charges for Rented Accommodation let to Staff of Health and Social Care bodies
- HSC (F) 29-2018 - Cross Border Emergency Treatment within the UK: 2018/19 Prices and 2018/19 National Tariff Payment System Guidance
- HSC (F) 28-2018 - Handling Charges for Blood and Blood Derivatives Supplied to Non-Health Service Hospitals 2018-19
- HSC (F) 26-2018 - FReM Exposure Draft (18) 01 - IFRS 16 Leases
- HSC (F) 25-2018 - Health Centre Service Charges for Occupation of Premises by General Medical Practitioners and Community Pharmacists
- HSC (F) 22-2018 - Controls over the ALB Non Payroll Commissioning Cycle
- HSC (F) 20-2018 - PGN 02-18 - Design Quality in Government Construction Projects
- HSC (F) 16-2018 - DAO (DoF) 3/18 Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Handbook (NI) 2018
- HSC(F) 14-2018 – Proforma – Charitable Trust Fund accounts
- HSC(F) 14-2018 - Charitable Trust Fund accounts template
- HSC(F) 14-2018 - Charitable Trust Fund accounts - Note 1 Accounting policies
- HSC(F) 14-2018 - Charitable Trust Fund Annual report – Trustees report
- HSC (F) 13-2018 - Guidance on the Completion of Revised Revenue Business Care Templates and Post Project Evaluation
- HSC (F) 07-2018 - Treasury Minutes on the 42nd-44th and 46-64th Reports from the Westminster PAC Session 2016-17
- HSC (F) 04-2018 - PGN 01/18 - Actions Required on Contracts as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- HSC (F) 03-2018 - DAO (DoF) 01/18: Annual Theft and Fraud Report 2016/17