External financial guidance 2017
Date published:
External financial guidance issued by DoH to the Health and Social Care bodies (HSC) and Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)
- HSC(F) 42-2017 - Budget, Accounts, Estimates alignment note to NDPBs - December 2017
- HSC(F) 41-2017 - Budget, Accounts, Estimates alignment note to NIFRS - December 2017
- HSC(F) 40-2017 - Budget, Accounts, Estimates alignment note to HSCB, PHA, HSC Trusts December 2017
- HSC(F) 39-2017 - DAO (DoF) 04/17: Guide to Managing the Risk of Bribery and Corruption
- HSC(F) 37-2017 – Updated Fraud Reporting Arrangements for HSC Bodies and NIFRS
- HSC (F) 34-2017 Public Sector Shared Services Programme (PSSSP) - Update from the Head of the Civil Service
- HSC(F) 33-2017 - External Consultancy Monitoring Returns 2017-18
- HSC(F) 32-2017 - Reissue of PGN 01-12 (as amended) Contract Management Principles and Procedures
- HSC(F) 31-2017 - External Consultancy Post Project Evaluations: Dissemination of Lessons Learned - 2016/17 Quarter 4
- HSC(F) 26-2017 - DAO (DFP) 02-17 Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS)(3)
- HSC(F) 24-2017 - Treasury Minutes On The 35-41st Reports From The Westminster PAC Session 2016-17
- HSC(F) 21/2017 - Treasury Minutes on the 22nd-34th Reports from the Westminister PAC Session 2016-17
- HSC(F) 20-2017 - Treasury Minutes on the 14th-21st Reports from the Westminster PAC Session 2016-17
- HSC(F) 19-12017 - Intermediaries Legislation – Ir35 Off-Payroll Working in the Public Sector (Personal Service Companies and other Intermediaries)
- HSC(F) 14-2017 - Issue of Procurement Guidance Note (PGN) 02-2017 - Innovation in Public Procurement
- HSC(F) 13-2017 - Issue of Procurement Guidance Note (PGN) 01-2017 on Art in Government Contracts
- HSC(F) 09-2017 - GC Works Contract - Withdrawal of HSC(F) 37 – 2015
- HSC(F) 07-2017 - Fraud alert spam email
- HSC(F) 03-2017 - Procurement Guidance Note (PGN) 01/07 (amended) – Grant and Procurement
- HSC(F) 02-2017 - DAO (DoF) 11/16: Annual theft and fraud report 2015/16
- HSC(F) 01-2017 - Procurement Guidance Note (PGN) 05/16 – The Use of Retention in Construction Works Contracts