External financial guidance 2015
Date published:
External finance guidance circulars for 2015
- HSC(F) 60/2015 - FD 10-15 – Business Cases for Contracts and Procurements
- HSC(F) 59/2015 - Withdrawal of PGN 01/10 on information disclosure and the standstill period
- HSC(F) 57/2015 - FD 09/15 – NIAO Publication Managing Fraud Risk in a Changing Environment: A Good Practice Guide
- HSC(F) 56/2015 - PGN 03/15 Building Information Modelling (BIM)
- HSC(F) 54/2015 - Counter fraud responsibilities of all HSC & NIFRS employees
- HSC(F) 53/2015 - Appraising financial assistance: Streamlining of procedures and documentation
- HSC(F) 51/2015 - External consultancy post project evaluations - Dissemination of lessons learned - 2015/16 quarter 2
- HSC(F) 50/2015 - Partial revision to the estates procurement manual – Procurement of estate and building service maintenance
- HSC(F) 48-2015 - Treasury minutes on the 25th-29th, 31st-32nd, 34th, 36th and 38th- 40th reports from the Westminster PAC session 2014-15
- HSC(F) 47/2015 - Revised DFP guidance (2015) on Value For Money (VFM) assessment of alternative procurement options
- HSC(F) 46/2015 - External consultancy monitoring returns 2015-16
- HSC(F) 45/2015 - Public accountability process: Commenting on NIAO reports, PAC reports and matters under consideration by PAC
- HSC(F) 44/2015 - DFP annual compliance report on the use of external consultants 2013-14
- HSC(F) 43/2015 - External consultancy post project evaluations: Dissemination of lessons learned
- HSC(F) 42/2015 - DFP memoranda of reply on the 28th report from the public accounts committee mandate 2011-2016
- HSC(F) 41/2015 - Appraising financial assistance: Streamlining of procedures and documentation
- HSC(F) 39/2015 - Test drilling report on the use of external consultants 2013-14
- HSC(F) 37/2015 - Operational guidance issue recommendation 01/15: revised standard dhsspsni amendments to gc/works construction contracts
- HSC(F) 36-2015 - The code of practice for reducing bureaucracy in grant funding to the voluntary and community sector
- HSC(F) 34/2015 - Conflicts of interest
- HSC(F) 32/2015 - Whistle blowing guidance
- HSC(F) 31/2015 - Procurement guidance note 02/15 - Procurement pipeline (publication of Information on infrastructure projects and supplies and services contracts)
- HSC(F) 30/2015 - Internal audit review of finance payments 2014
- HSC(F) 27/2015 - Cross border emergency treatment within the UK: 2015/16 prices and national tariff payment system guidance
- HSC(F) 26/2015 - DFP memoranda of reply on the 24th, 25th & 26th reports from the public accounts committee mandate 2011-2016
- HSC(F) 22/2015 - DAO (DFP) 07/15: Clearance And agreement of NIAO value for money reports
- HSC(F) 21/2015 DAO (DFP) 06/15: Extension of shared services
- HSC(F) 17/2015 - DAO (DFP) 04/15: Early termination of contracts
- HSC(F) 15/2015 - Position of HSC(F) and PEL guidance at 11 March 2015
- HSC(F) 14/2015 - Procurement guidance note 01/15 – Standardisation of NEC3 engineering and construction contract Z clauses
- HSC(F) 10/2015 - External consultancy post project evaluations: Dissemination of lessons learned
- HSC(F) 08/2015 - Safeguarding of service users’ finances within residential and nursing homes and supported living settings
- HSC(F) 07/2015 - PGN 03/13 (as amended) – Construction works procurement: Abnormally low tenders
- HSC(F) 05/2015 - Annual theft and fraud report 2013/14
- HSC(F) 01/2015 - Assessing and documenting sustainable development in business cases for procurement projects