External financial guidance 2012
Date published:
External financial guidance circulars for 2012
- HSC(F) 69/2012 - Revised FD(DFP) 20/09 - New DFP guidance on the appraisal, evaluation, approval and management of policies, programmes and projects
- HSC(F) 67/2012 - Revised HSC delegated limits and requirements for departmental / DFP approval
- HSC(F) 64/2012 - NIAO report on the safety of services provided by NI HSC Trusts
- HSC(F) 61/2012 - Update of FD (DFP) 20/09 which deals with Economic Appraisal requirements
- HSC(F) 59/2012 - External consultancy - quarterly returns 2012-13
- HSC(F) 57/2012 - External consultancy - Gateway reviews and feasibility studies
- HSC(F) 54/2012 - Remuneration and reimbursement of travel and subsistence for Public Appointments
- HSC(F) 53/2012 - Tax compliance of NI Public Bodies
- HSC(F) 50/2012 - Guidance on Losses and Special Payments (including Compensation Payments)
- HSC(F) 48/2012 - Assessment of large scale, complex or innovative external consultancy assignments
- HSC(F) 46/2012 - Procurement Guidance Note 06/12: Helping small and medium-sized enterprises benefit from subcontracting opportunities in Government contracts
- HSC(F) 40/2012 - Issue of DFP Memorandum of 5th PAC Report - Use of external consultants by NI Depts follow-up report
- HSC(F) 31/2012 - Procurement guidance notes 02/12-05/12
- HSC(F) 27/2012 - Prompt payment compliance
- HSC(F) 25/2012 Addendum 1 - Revised guidance on the use of professional services including consultants
- HSC(F) 25/2012 - Revised guidance on the use of professional services including consultants
- HSC(F) 21/2012 - Financial monitoring: Break-even
- HSC(F) 20/2012 - Fraud reporting template
- HSC(F) 19/2012 - Requirement for appraisals and business cases
- HSC(F) 10/2012 - Procurement Guidance Note 01/12: Contract management – Procedures and principles
- HSC(F) 05/2012 - Guidance on approval requests for single tender action for goods and services procurement by DHSSPS arm’s length bodies
- HSC(F) 02/2012 - Bribery Act 2010
- HSC(F) 01/2012 Supplement 1 - Accounting officer responsibilities
- HSC(F) 01/2012 - Accounting officer responsibilities