External financial guidance 2007
Date published:
Last updated:
External financial guidance circulars for 2007
- Student support determination 07-08
- HSS(F) 60/2007 - Reserves policy and adoption of Treasury guide to funders for voluntary and community organisations
- HSS(F) 52/2007 - Fraud forum best practice guidance actions to be taken in the event of a compromise of personal data: Management checklist
- HSS(F) 49/2007 - DAO 10-07 Internal Audit
- HSS(F) 39/2007 - Private Practice Guidance
- HSS(F) 18-2007 - Remuneration report to Boards, Trusts & Agencies
- HSS(F) 13-2007 - Financial Governance Model Documents
- HSS(F) 11/2007 - Road traffic accident - Calculation of income/debtor
- HSS(F) 10/2007 - Free nursing care costs accounting guidance
- HSS(F) 07/2007 Supplement 1 - Supporting information to cross border emergency treatment agreement (non-contract activity)
- HSS(F) 02/2007 - Comment on PAC and NIAO reports