A Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland 2022-2032
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The new Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland and its Funding Plan 2022-2032 were launched by the Health Minister Robin Swann on 22 March 2022 and sets the direction of travel for cancer services for the next 10 years. The Cancer Strategy Funding Plan outlines the estimated indicative cost of developing, establishing and maintaining the services and interventions set out in the Cancer Strategy.
The Strategy provides the key steps to achieving the overall vision for improved cancer outcomes for the people of Northern Ireland. It presents a comprehensive and challenging programme of service stabilisation and improvement, reliant on collaborative working and new and innovative approaches to the delivery of care. It was developed through co-production and provides an opportunity not just to rebuild services but to build them back better for the people of Northern Ireland.
Cancer services are both broad and hugely complex and are not easily separated out from mainstream care. They cut across primary, secondary and community care. This results in a very complex planning landscape and means that in order to be successful, all cancer service developments need to be viewed in the context of wider elective and unscheduled care plans.
The Cancer Strategy consultation period closed on 20 October 2021 and the consultation documents can be viewed on the Department website.
The new Cancer Strategy can be viewed below along with other supporting documentation: