Twelve month extensions to terms of non-executive chair and non-executive member of the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
Date published:
The Department of Health today announced extensions to the terms of the Non-Executive Chair and a Non-Executive member of the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA).
Mr Alistair Joynes’ term as Non-Executive Chair has been extended from 1 October 2019, and Mr Dean Morrice’s term as a Non-Executive Finance member will be extended from 1 November 2019. Both extensions are for a maximum period of 12 months.
The Chair appointment carries a time commitment of 4 days per month and attracts an annual remuneration of £14,527. The role of Finance member attracts an annual remuneration of £3,101 with a time commitment of 20 days per annum.
NIMDTA is an Arm’s Length Body sponsored by the Department of Health to train postgraduate medical and dental professionals for NI. NIMDTA’s Board comprises a Chair and 5 non-executive members. NIMDTA commissions, promotes and oversees postgraduate medical and dental education and training throughout NI. NIMDTA organises and delivers the recruitment, selection and allocation of doctors and dentists to foundation, core and specialty training programmes with the aims of providing trainees with a wide range of excellent opportunities to gain experience and maximising their potential to successfully progress, complete training and be appointed to permanent posts in N Ireland.
These appointments are made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland.
All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. Mr Joynes and Mr Morrice declared that they have not engaged in any political activity in the last five years.
Notes to editors:
- Mr Alistair Joynes lives in Portadown and is Managing Partner of a Business and HR Consultancy, primarily engaged in the delivery of major culture change programmes. He has been Chairman of NIMDTA since 2011. Within the Public Sector he has been a Board Member of Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Upper Bann Institute of Further Education and Southern Health and Social Care Trust. He is also an Arbitrator with the Labour Relations Agency. He is a qualified Marine Engineer although most of his career has been spent in the field of Employee Relations and HR Management. He brings to the role of Chairman, extensive experience in Corporate Governance, Risk Management and in the delivery of a diverse range of organisational change programmes. In his previous role with SHSCT, he chaired the Audit Committee and the Strategic Communications Group. Within the Private Sector environment, he is the Non-Executive Chairman of a major Engineering Company exporting to a global client base.
- Mr Deane Morrice MBE FCCA lives in Newtownards. Since his appointment in July 2011 he has made a significant contribution to the Agency board and is currently Chair of the Audit Committee. His knowledge and experience has proved invaluable. He was initially appointed Non-Executive (Financial) Member to the Agency for a two-year term from 25 July 2011 to 24 July 2013. He was awarded the MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to Local Government in Northern Ireland in June 2009.
- These appointments were made with the approval of the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Health. There are no specific qualifications for appointment.
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