Statement by Health Minister Mike Nesbitt on cervical screening reports
Date published:
I note the publication today of two important reports on the Southern Trust’s Cervical Cytology Review and Cervical Cancers in the Southern Trust area.

The findings set out in both reports will now be the subject of independent expert analysis.
I expect this analysis to be completed in the New Year, after which I will decide on the appropriate next steps.
I wish to again fully acknowledge the distress caused by this review and the shortcomings detailed in the earlier report from the Royal College of Pathologists. It is both deeply regrettable and unacceptable.
It is important to emphasise the improvements in the cervical screening programme implemented in the past year. Most importantly, the transformational introduction of Primary HPV testing into the cervical screening pathway has been fully implemented. This more accurate approach to screening, together with our HPV vaccination programme, offers the very real prospect of drastically cutting the number of invasive cervical cancer cases each year in NI.
Screening is intended for those who do not have symptoms. If any woman is experiencing any unusual symptoms (such as bleeding or pain) they should not wait for their screening appointment but should contact their GP practice directly.
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