Reappointment of two Non-Executive Directors to the Northern Health & Social Care Trust
Date published:
The Department of Health has announced the reappointment of two Non-Executive Directors to the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT).

Mr Paul Corrigan and Mr Jim McCall, both Lay Members, have been reappointed from 1 March 2020 to a date not later than 29 February 2024. The Non-Executive Director role attracts a remuneration of £8,283 per annum and carries a time commitment of 1 day per week.
The appointments were made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for NI.
The NHSCT is one of five Trusts established as statutorily separate organisations within the health and social care family, responsible for the delivery of responsive and effective health and care services and for the ownership and management of hospitals and other establishments and facilities. They provide health and social care services against Ministerial priorities, standards and targets and are performance managed by the Department and the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB). Services will be provided as specified in contracts with the commissioners of health and social care services, namely the HSCB.
The Board of the NHSCT is made up of 5 Executive Directors including the Chief Executive, a Non-Executive Chair and 7 Non-Executive Members.
Notes to editors:
- Paul Corrigan took up post as a Non-Executive Director for the Northern Trust in March 2016 and is currently a member of the Audit Committee and the Finance & Performance Committee. Paul is a former Logistics Director for Royal Mail NI. He now works as a self-employed HR consultant supporting clients in the public and private sector with independent investigations and appeals in workplace disputes. Paul has been a member of the Labour Relations Agency (LRA) panel of Arbitrators and Independent Chairs since 2002, and has conducted numerous arbitration and independent appeal hearings. Paul has one other current public appointment; since December 2014 he has been a Commission Board Member of the Local Government Staff Commission (LGSC), a position that attracts remuneration of £123 daily and provides HR oversight to the 11 local Councils. In 2015 Paul was appointed as a Lay Member of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal and has recently been reappointed for a further term. Paul also volunteers as a business advisor with the local charity Young Enterprise NI promoting business and entrepreneurship in primary and secondary schools.
- Mr Jim McCall took up post as a Non-Executive Director for the Northern Trust in March 2016. Jim is a qualified professional Social Worker and has been employed in a variety of professional and Senior Executive and Board level positions during his career. Jim was Managing Director of Four Seasons Health Care in Northern Ireland and Wales. Prior to taking up this role in 2008, he was Chief Executive of the former Ulster Community and Hospitals Trust. He was a Trustee of Diabetes UK until 2017. Jim was appointed to the Board of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive from 1 June 2015 and is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Jim also serves on the Board Governors of Belfast Metropolitan College and the Belfast Metropolitan College Trust.
- These reappointments were made with the approval of the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Health, prior to Minister Swann being appointed.
- All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. Both members declared that they had not engaged in any political activity in the last five years.
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