Publication of “Statistics on Community Care for Adults in Northern Ireland 2023 - 2024”
Date published:
The Department of Health has today published “Statistics on Community Care for Adults in Northern Ireland 2023 - 2024”.

This publication presents analyses on a range of community activity gathered from HSC Trusts, and includes topics such as domiciliary care, re-ablement, audiology services, day care, and accommodation services.
Key Facts and Figures:
- At 30 June 2024, 12,176 residential and nursing home care packages were in effect.
- Of the 12,176 care packages in effect, over two thirds (69%) were nursing home care packages and under one third (31%) were residential care packages.
- 300 persons, on average, were starting re-ablement service each month across Northern Ireland in 2023/24.
- At 31 March 2024, 5,467 persons were registered at statutory day care facilities.
- In 2023/24, there were 13,868 adult hearing aids fitted by the statutory sector in Northern Ireland.
- An estimated 23,249 persons received domiciliary care, on average each week in 2023.
Notes to editors:
- This information was collated by Community Information Branch within the DoH.
- This bulletin is published on an annual basis.
- Statistics detailed within the bulletin include contacts with HSC Trusts, residential and nursing care packages in effect, meals on wheels, residential and nursing accommodation and day care registrations. Analyses are presented by HSC Trust.
- Figures incorporate all returns and amendments received from HSC Trusts up to 1 January 2025.
- This publication is available online at:
- Further information is available from:
Community Information Branch
Department of Health
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Internet: Department of Health
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