Publication of NI Care Leavers 2015/16
Date published:
The Department of Health today published a statistical bulletin summarising information on care leavers in the north of Ireland who left care during the year ending 31 March 2016.
Care Leavers Aged 16–18
- some two thirds (67%) of care leavers aged 16-18 had GCSEs or other qualifications. The proportion of care leavers obtaining 5 GCSEs (A*-C) or higher was 21% which remains substantially lower than for school leavers as a whole (81%)
- care leavers continue to have a higher proportion of young people coping with disability (15%) than the general population (6%). In terms of education, higher proportions of care leavers had a Statement of Educational Need (20%) compared with the general school population (5%)
- of care leavers for whom information was available, three in five (63%) were in education or training, 10% were working and 27% were unemployed or economically inactive
Care Leavers Aged 19
- some 92% of care leavers aged 19 were in contact with Health and Social Care Trusts; with 68% in contact at least once a month
- of the care leavers for whom information was available, 61% were in education, training or employment, a small decrease from 2014/15 (66%). This was still slightly higher than 19 year old care leavers in England (59%) and in Wales (57%)
- in terms of becoming a parent, 19% of all care leavers aged 19 were parents, with 25% of female care leavers aged 19 becoming mothers on or before their 19th birthday
Notes to editors:
1. All publications are available online.
2. About the data:
The source of the data contained in this release is the Departmental OC1 and OC3 statistical returns, collected from HSC Trusts on an annual basis.
Figures incorporate all returns and amendments received from HSC Trusts up to 31 December 2016.
3. This statistical bulletin was produced by Community Information Branch, DoH.
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