The Department of Health has today published the “Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland 2023/24”.
This bulletin details statistical information relating to children adopted from care during the year ending 31 March 2024. The tables within the bulletin present a range of information about these children and their adopters, including durations between different stages in the adoption process. The bulletin is based on the DoH statistical return AD1 2023/24, which was collected from each of the five Health and Social Care Trusts.
Key Findings
- During the year ending 31 March 2024, 97 children were adopted from care in Northern Ireland;
- The average age of children at the time of adoption was at 4 years 2 months, and ranged from 1 year 8 months to 11 years 10 months;
- From the child’s last entry into care, the average length of time for a child to be adopted in 2023/24 was 3 years 4 months. This was similar to recent years;
- For children adopted in 2023/24, the average duration from the HSC Trust proposal that adoption was in the best interest for the child (the Looked After Child Best Interest Proposal) to the Adoption Order was 2 years 4 months; and
- In 2023/24, the difference in the timing of the adoption process between various types of adopters (e.g. concurrent carers and dually approved carers) was not as pronounced as in previous years. However, the timing for foster carers who went on to adopt their foster child have consistently been longer than for other adopter types which is expected due to the different circumstances of these adoptions.
Notes to editors:
1. This publication is available online at: Children Adopted from Care link.
2. About the data:
The source of the data contained in this release is the Departmental AD1 statistical return, collected from Health and Social Services Trusts and relating to the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
3. This statistical bulletin was produced by Community Information Branch, DoH.
4. Further information is available from:
Community Information Branch
Information Analysis Directorate, Department of Health,
Room 11, Annexe 2, Castle Buildings,
Stormont Belfast BT4 3SQ
Tel: (028) 90 522580
Internet: DoH Statistics and Research Social Services Statistics link.
5. For media enquiries please contact the DoH Press Office by email
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7. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service For Media Enquiries Only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
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