Publication of CAMHS Waiting Time Statistics for Northern Ireland (September 2024)
Date published:
The Department of Health (DoH) has today, published quarterly Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) waiting time statistics for Northern Ireland.
This publication presents quarter end figures regionally and by Health and Social Care Trust in respect of total numbers waiting, and those waiting over 9 weeks, for a CAMHS assessment.
Key Facts and Figures:
- Belfast HSC Trust waiting times for June and September 2024 are not currently available due to the roll-out of Encompass and are therefore excluded for these quarters. This also affects the Northern Ireland total.
- Please note that Belfast HSC Trust CAMHS figures include South Eastern HSC Trust.
- At quarter ending 30 September 2024, the Northern, Southern and Western HSC Trusts all had lower total numbers waiting for a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) compared with the previous quarter.
- The Western HSC Trust had the highest numbers waiting for a CAMHS assessment at 30 September 2024 (415) whilst the Southern HSC Trust had the least numbers waiting (220).
- Of those on a waiting list in Southern HSC Trust, none had waited nine weeks or longer, compared with 299 in the Western HSC Trust and 170 in the Northern HSC Trust.
- The statistics presented derive from returns completed by each HSC Trust in Northern Ireland in relation to Mental Health Outpatients Waiting Times.
- This quarterly summary report is created by Information Analysis Directorate in Department of Health, and was published for the first time on 14 June 2023.
- The quarterly figures will, until further notice, be deemed as Statistics in Development and subject to change, which is common for new published statistics.
Notes to editors:
- This information was collated by Community Information Branch within the DoH.
- A statistical release of CAMHS information is published on a quarterly basis.
- Statistics detailed within the bulletin are presented regionally and by Health and Social Care Trust in respect of number of waits for a CAMHS assessment and time waiting.
- Similar statistics relating to the quarter ending 31 December 2024 are due for release in February 2025.
- This publication is available online.
- Further information is available from:
Community Information Branch
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