Public information campaign will promote newly-launched StopCOVID NI app
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Health Minister Robin Swann has officially launched the new StopCOVID NI app and unveiled a new TV advertisement promoting its use.

The mobile phone app will inform users if they have been in close contact with other users who have tested positive for Covid-19.

StopCOVID NI went live in the last 24 hours on the Apple and Google app stores and by 2pm today had already been downloaded more than 79,000 times.
Today also sees the launch of the public information and advertising campaign, encouraging as many people as possible to download it.
The Apple and Google links for downloading the app are
Playstore -
Appstore -
The Health Minister stated: “The early demand for the StopCOVID NI app is really encouraging and I am sure this will be maintained as a result of the public information campaign.
“We need as many people as possible to download it and activate it.
“This app will support and supplement the Public Health Agency’s (PHA) existing telephone based contact tracing operation that is working to minimise the spread of the virus. It is another important weapon in the ongoing battle against the virus.
“Everyone right across Northern Ireland can play their part in this battle. That includes practising strict social distancing, washing our hands, wearing face coverings in shops and downloading this app.”
The app will be interoperable with the one already in use in the Republic of Ireland and is also highly likely to be compatible with apps introduced in future across the UK and Europe.
It uses only anonymised information in its operation to safeguard user privacy.
The TV ad is available here:
Notes to editors:
- In common with the proximity app in the Republic, StopCOVID NI is only functional on iPhones newer than an iPhone 6. That’s because the technology to access interfacing between phones via Bluetooth is only feasible via these newer models.
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