Minister Swann's speaking notes - Press Conference Wednesday 3 February 2021
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Today I repeat the central message that we have heard so many times over the last year. Never ever underestimate Covid-19 and the damage it can do.

Today, we have recorded an additional 11 Covid related deaths in Northern Ireland. That’s 11 more tragedies, 11 more families grieving.
My thoughts are very much with the loved ones of those who have died.
Sadly, this pandemic is far from over.
While we are making important progress, this remains a long-term struggle. There will inevitably be more challenges, more setbacks and more tragedy.
But Northern Ireland can and will get through this.
We can gain hope and strength from the progress of our vaccination programme.
As of yesterday evening we had administered 271,826 vaccines. That was an increase of over 13,500 from 24 hours earlier - one of our highest numbers of vaccines administered over a single day. And once again I want to thank our Trust staff and GP teams who are so capably and effectively delivering the programme on the ground.
Today, I can also confirm that a significant new consignment of Astra Zeneca vaccines has arrived in Northern Ireland. As I stand here this afternoon supplies are already out being distributed to GPs across the country.
This will allow us to continue the acceleration of the vaccination programme.
Our health service has suffered many hammer blows over the past year. But it’s still standing, it’s still caring. And as well as dealing with the latest Covid surge, it is rolling out an unprecedented vaccination programme.
I am in awe at the commitment and expertise demonstrated day in day out by staff in health and social care.
They are exhausted and traumatised by what they have been through.
We owe it to them to do everything we can to stop Covid-19 spreading.
Infection numbers have come down, but they are still too high. We must push them down further and keep them down.
Our health service and its staff need some breathing space. They can’t go on like this.
We know that the virus can thrive in enclosed, indoor areas, especially when ventilation is limited. That means some workplaces and shops may enable transmission of infection – particularly if all the necessary mitigation measures are not in place and people do not strictly adhere to the public health guidance in these settings. Activities in and around funerals – including wakes and other gatherings – may also increase the risk of spreading infection as people congregate in close proximity.
We know what to do. Follow the rules. Keep our distance. Stay at home as much as you can. Work from home if you possibly can. Shop safely, wear a face covering and keep your distance from others. Don’t go shopping more than you need to. Wash your hands well and often.
Don’t take a chance, thinking it won’t really matter. It might. Even a short visit to a friend or relative’s home is a risk – for you and for them. Standing too close to someone in the shops is a risk – for you and for them. Standing too close for a chat is a risk.
Every time someone takes a chance with Covid, they potentially add to the pressures on our health service. They potentially make it that bit harder for us all to come through this.
Every breach of the rules, however small, can do harm. Every little hurts.
So I again urge everyone across Northern Ireland not to slip up now.
Stay focussed and stay safe.
We are making progress. Let’s keep building on that. There are no shortcuts out of this.
Let’s keep being inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore. As we mourn his loss, let us remember all that he achieved – one step at a time.
I now hand over to Sister Liz Moore from Belfast City Hospital who can give a first-hand account of the pandemic’s ongoing impact.
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