Health Minister Simon Hamilton has visited the Hygieia Medical d-Nav Care Centre in Dundonald for an update on how diabetes care is being transformed.
Hygieia Medical and the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT), are working together to modernise diabetes care for Type 2 diabetic patients on insulin therapy. £960,000 is being invested this year to provide this innovative treatment to 700 patients.
Speaking at the visit Minister Hamilton said; “If we are to deliver the world class healthcare that the people of Northern Ireland deserve, then we need exploit new technology and innovative ways of working such as DNAV. I have already announced I want to take a sizeable amount of any additional funding my Department receives as part of the Budget process and earmark it specifically for a Health and Social Care Transformation Fund to support such work. The investment from the SEHSCT clearly demonstrates the health service’s commitment to innovation.”
The DNAV solution, developed by Hygieia, is targeted at selected Type 2 diabetic patients who are receiving insulin therapy.
At all times patients remain under the care of their SEHSCT consultant.
The solution takes the form of:
- an insulin Guidance System including an onboard glucose sensor and additional processing capabilities to provide guidance on adjustments of the insulin dosage to maintain the patient’s blood glucose levels within set levels
- access to an advice service staffed by medical professionals who can advise on aspects of their condition
- a managed service for the provision and maintenance of devices along with supply of consumables
The Minister went on to say; “The partnership between the South Eastern Trust and Hygieia puts Northern Ireland at the forefront over the use of assistive technology. Such collaboration in research and development is important to the future prosperity of Northern Ireland.”
Minister Hamilton acknowledged the contribution of the DNAV system to meeting the challenges facing health and social care delivery, saying; “I am very aware of the challenges the rise of type 2 Diabetes represents to healthcare across Europe. It is important that we tackle the diabetic complications such as blindness, renal failure and amputation. This is a good example of empowering patients to take control of the management of their condition.”
Notes to editors:
1. There are currently 80 000 people in Northern Ireland with diabetes. The majority (around 90 per cent) are Type 2 diabetes patients and can be treated either by diet only, by oral medication or by insulin therapy. A proportion of people with type 2 diabetes (15-25% or 10,800 to 18,000) require insulin.
2. Hygieia Medical developed the d-Nav insulin guidance system which utilises a small electronic device similar to a conventional blood glucose monitoring device that advises patients on insulin dosage based on an analysis of their blood sugar.
3. Media queries to DHSSPS Press Office on 02890 520074, or out of hours contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 076 9971 5440 and your call will be returned.
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