Health Minister provides update on pay
Date published:
Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has welcomed agreement with resident doctors on a pay package.

The offer, which was approved by BMA NI Resident Doctors’ Committee members, includes an additional uplift of 4.05% on the existing (23/24) pay points.
The Minister said: “I welcome the decision by resident doctors to accept this offer, which also includes agreement to establish a timetable for contract reform discussions.
“We endeavour to work together and forge a relationship of mutual respect and collaboration as we progress with improvements on pay and non-pay which will, by extension, support the transformation of health and social care and help deliver better outcomes for the population of Northern Ireland.”
Meanwhile, the Minister has also written to all Health and Social Care (HSC) Trade Unions to confirm that the Department can now backdate the 2024/25 Agenda for Change and Medical & Dental pay awards to 1May 2024.
This follows the outcome of January monitoring. Any further additional funding identified in 2024/25 will be utilised to move the effective date of all pay awards towards 1 April 2024.
This phased approach to mirroring the value of pay settlements in England reflects the severe pressures on the health budget this year.
The Minister added: “I remain committed to meeting, in full, the financial consequences of the recommendation of the pay review bodies for 2024/25.
“I would have much preferred a quicker, cleaner resolution of this year’s pay position, but financial pressures made that impossible.
“I have provided assurance to the Health Trade Unions that, all things being equal, I will approve the recommendations of the pay review bodies for 2025/26 pay awards when published.”
The confirmed 2024/25 pay package will see the restoration of pay parity with England for health and social care staff covered by the Agenda for Change framework. This involves a large proportion of the overall health service workforce in Northern Ireland.
The Minister added: “In recent weeks, during visits to emergency departments and hospital wards right across Northern Ireland, I have been meeting staff working under tremendous pressure. They are the bedrock of the health service and I have heard and shared their frustration over the issue of pay.
“Stabilisation is one of the key pillars of my Three Year Plan, published last month, and central to that will be ensuring that staff are properly recognised and rewarded for the great work they do.”
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