Extension of appointment of the Non-Executive Chair of the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Date published:
The Department of Health has announced the extension of the term of appointment of the Non-Executive Chair of the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT). The extension for a maximum of six months from 17 April 2018 relates to Mr Colm McKenna and carries a time commitment of 3 days per week and attracts an annual remuneration of £29,716.

The SEHSCT is one of five HSC Trusts established in 2007 responsible for the delivery of responsive and effective health and care services and for the ownership and management of hospitals and other establishments and facilities.
Each HSC Trust is managed directly by a Board of Directors which has corporate responsibility for its operation. The Board is made up of five executive directors and seven non-executive directors and a non-executive chair. Executive directors and non-executive directors are full and equal members of the Board.
The appointments are made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for NI.
Notes to editors:
1. Mr Colm McKenna, following a long and successful career in financial services, which included leadership positions in corporate treasury, international banking, Trade Finance and Marketing, Colm retired from the industry in 2008. He is passionate about improving public services and since leaving the banking industry he has dedicated his energies to Board level leadership roles in the NI public sector.
2. He has been Chairman of the SEHSCT since October 2008. He was appointed Chairman of the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) in April 2014 and to the board of the Food Standards Agency and as Chairman of the NI Food Advisory Committee. He currently serves as the Chairman of the NI Public Sector Chairs’ Forum.
3. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. Mr McKenna has declared he has not engaged in any political activity in the last five years.
4. Media enquiries to DoH Press Office on 028 9052 0579 or email pressoffice@health-ni.gov.uk. Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 07623 97438 and your call will be returned. Follow us on twitter @healthdpt.