DoH updates MLAs on the Inquiry into Hyponatraemia-related deaths
Date published:
The Department of Health today updated MLAs on its ongoing work in response to the Inquiry into Hyponatraemia-related deaths.
The briefing was led by Permanent Secretary Richard Pengelly and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Paddy Woods, Programme Director for this important area of work.
Mr Pengelly said: “I am pleased that the team led by Dr Woods to take this forward is now well established. Work in all nine planned workstreams is progressing, with membership drawn from a variety of stakeholders.
“Several of the workstreams have commissioned research which will be published over the next number of months to promote informed discussion on their areas of responsibility.
“The workstreams include services users and carers, non-executive Directors, people from the voluntary sector, Departmental staff and staff from Health and Social Care bodies. Engagement with a wide range of stakeholders will be an important element of the work. Their contribution is needed so that the responses to recommendations can be co-produced, implemented thoughtfully and sustained into the future effectively.”
Mr Pengelly added: "We need service users and carers, voluntary sector, health care staff, HSC Boards and management and professional bodies to work together to co-produce and implement improvements to help develop, redesign and deliver improvements to how we deliver health and social care. That involvement takes time and it is important that we implement recommendations properly to improve patient safety."
Today’s meeting with MLAs was the latest in a series of meetings with key stakeholders. Dr Woods will meet with Inquiry chair Mr Justice O’Hara later this week to update him on progress.
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