Appointment of Non-Executive Directors to Health and Social Care Trusts
Date published:
Health Minister, Mike Nesbitt has announced the appointment of 10 Health and Social Care Trust Non-Executive Directors.

In the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT), Ellen Finlay has been appointed as the Non-Executive (Finance) Director. Her appointment commenced on 1 December 2024 and will end on a date not later than 30 November 2028.
In the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT), Paul Douglas and Janet Gray have been appointed as a Non-Executive (Lay) Directors. Both appointments commenced on 1 January 2025 and will end on a date not later than 31 December 2028.
In the South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT), Sheryl Henderson has been appointed as the Non-Executive (Finance) Director. Her appointment commenced on 1 December 2024 and will end on a date not later than 30 November 2028. Siobhan McCauley and Kevin McMahon have been appointed as Non-Executive (Lay) Directors. Their appointments commenced on 1 January 2025 and will end on a date not later than 31 December 2028.
In the Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT), Alastair Hughes has been appointed as the Non-Executive (Finance) Director and Christopher Stewart, Geraldine Browne and Michele Corkey are appointed as Non-Executive (Lay) Directors. All four appointments commenced on 1 January 2025 and will end on a date not later than 31 December 2028.
HSC Trust Non-Executive Director positions require a time commitment of one day per week and attract a remuneration of £9,327 per annum.
These appointments are made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland.
The five Heath and Social Care Trusts were established as statutorily separate organisations within the HSC family, responsible for the delivery of responsive and effective health and social care services and for the ownership and management of hospitals and other establishments and facilities.
The Board is the governing body of each Trust, and for BHSCT, NHSCT, SEHSCT and SHSCT comprises a Non-Executive Chair and seven Non-Executive Directors along with five Executive Directors including the Chief Executive.
Notes to editors:
1. Ellen Finlay is a highly experienced policy and governance professional with over 25 years of leadership in the community and voluntary sector. She is currently Policy & Development Manager for the Samaritans, co-chair of the Mental Health Policy Alliance, and a Commissioner at the Equality Commission, where she sits on the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and the Legal Funding Committee. Mrs Finlay also holds a public appointment with the Department for Communities’ as a Board Member of the Ulster Supported Employment Ltd (USEL). This appointment attracts a renumeration of £155 per meeting with a time commitment of 11 meetings per year. Mrs Finlay’s expertise spans policy advocacy, strategic planning, and risk assurance, with a proven track record of influencing key legislation and initiatives to address health and social inequalities.
2. Sheryl Henderson is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland, with over 20 years’ experience of financial management, corporate governance, and strategic oversight in the private, public, and voluntary sectors. Her expertise is complemented by her experience as Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary on the boards of two other organisations, where she has gained valuable insight into risk management, financial stewardship, and stakeholder engagement. Known for her integrity and commitment to transparency, Mrs Henderson is a trusted advocate for accountability and excellence in governance. Outside her board responsibilities, she remains active in community volunteering on the streets in Belfast with SOS Bus NI, supporting vulnerable people experiencing substance misuse, homelessness, or any other disadvantage.
3. Siobhan McCauley brings significant experience from senior roles in the public and private sectors. With a background in tourism, business development, and housing, she has considerable experience in corporate governance, strategic planning, team development and financial management. Ms McCauley served as Director of Regional Services at the Northern Ireland Housing Executive; in part of her role, she oversaw the Supporting People programme with the voluntary and community sectors. She also Chaired the Supporting People Strategic Advisory Board, a multi-agency partnership of housing, social care, health and probation advising on housing-supported services. Before this, as director of Product Development at the Northern Ireland Tourist Board of the Signature Projects, including the Titanic and Causeway Visitor Attraction. Ms McCauley currently holds a public appointment with the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs as a Non-Executive Director of Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority (NIFHA). This appointment attracts a renumeration of £5,355 per annum for a time commitment of 16-18 days per annum. She holds a Certificate and Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors, an M.B.A., a Master's in Management, Economics and Politics, and a B.A. in Applied Economics.
4. Kevin McMahon retired from his position as Director of Surgical and Clinical Services at the Northern HSC Trust in December 2024. During his career in health and social care, he has worked within HSC Trusts, the Public Health Agency and at the Department of Health. Mr McMahon brings extensive experience of managing a wide portfolio of services across both community and acute hospital services which includes significant financial management gained within a large, complex public sector organisation. His skills and experience include effective change management, service development and service improvement, with a focus on better outcomes for service users.
5. Paul Douglas has 28 years’ experience within the Police Service of Northern Ireland with 15 years as a senior manager prior to availing of voluntary severance in 2010. He has extensive experience in finance, human resources and partnership working. In the previous 14 years he has held a number of non-executive roles namely with the Patient and Client Council (PCC), the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) and the Northern Ireland Audit Office (NAIO). Mr Douglas is currently a Lay Commissioner with the NI Judicial Appointments Commission and a Non-Executive Board Member of Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
6. Janet Gray MBE has experience in working in elite sport and in the charity and public sectors. She is 4 times World Disabled Water Ski Champion and World record holder. Dr Gray is passionate about her charity work and is a founder member, former Chair, Director and currently Hon President of Disability Sports NI. After retiring out of International Sport, she served 5 years as a Councillor on Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) and was Chair of the Environmental Services Committee. She also served on Libraries NI and was Chair of Services Committee. After leaving LCCC, she took up post as an Independent Member of the NI Policing Board, and served 2 years as Vice-chair of Resources, then a further 2 as Vice-chair of Performance Committee.
7. Christopher Stewart is a partially retired senior civil servant, currently working as a Director in the Executive Office, responsible for the Executive Secretariat, Ministerial Private Offices, and Executive Information Service. A career civil servant, he joined the former Department of Health and Social Services in 1987. His career has included responsibility for policy on: health and social care; education; the economy; and overarching policies such as community relations, human rights, victims of the conflict and children and young people. He has also served as Director of Human Resources in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (now The Executive Office) and the Department for Education.
8. Geraldine Browne has over 35 years’ experience in the private sector, mostly in professional services. She worked as a director with accountancy firms BDONI and PwC specialising in employment taxes, reward and remuneration planning. Her role also included people management and corporate governance. An experienced leader, she successfully managed large teams and global projects including leading the introduction of the first Higher Level Professional Services Apprenticeship Scheme. Mrs Browne was a member of the Expert Panel and the Strategic Advisory forum for the Department of Learning, contributing to the development of apprenticeship strategy in NI. A graduate of Queens University, she holds Post Graduate Diplomas in both Personnel and Management and Administration and Law.
9. Michele Corkey PQH (NI) M Ed. BMus (Hons) PGCE LLCM has over 28 years’ experience in various school settings in Northern Ireland. She began her teaching career in the primary sector, progressing to Post Primary education with experience at Middle Leadership, Senior Leadership and Vice Principal level. As a Principal for 12 years, she developed high performing schools through effective teamwork, distributed leadership and high quality staff development. As Principal she strategically led the successful amalgamation of St Ronan’s College in Lurgan, creating one of the largest all ability grammar schools in Northern Ireland. In 2020, Mrs Corkey was appointed Director of Education in the Education Authority. As a former member of the Corporate Leadership Team, she was responsible for the strategic leadership of the Education Authority and the Education Directorate leading a wide range of services and support for schools including School Improvement, Area Planning and C2K. Mrs. Corkey currently holds one other public appointment with the Department for the Economy as temporary Chair of the governing body of Belfast Metropolitan College. This appointment attracts a renumeration of £20,000 per annum with a time commitment of 1 day per week.
10. Alastair Hughes’ professional background is in Finance, Corporate Services and Governance. He graduated from Queen’s University with a degree in economics and subsequently qualified as a Chartered Accountant. His post qualification work focused on the audit and consultancy functions, and he was seconded into the banking sector to trial a range of complex reporting systems. Mr Hughes then joined the NI Civil Service and gained wide experience in public administration, stewardship, efficiency reviews and policy development. He worked in three departments and held senior management positions in two Agencies and an Arm’s Length Body. Prior to retiring he was responsible for delivering programmes arising from the Executive’s commitments to promote a culture of lawfulness and increase the participation and influence of women in community development.
11. Appointments to the HSC Trusts are made with the approval of the Health Minister.
12. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. All the appointees have declared that they have not engaged in any political activity in the last five years.
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