Consultation on Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol in NI

Consultation opened on 22 February 2022. Closing date 27 May 2022.


This consultation invites views from across society on proposals to introduce legislation to enact Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) of Alcohol in Northern Ireland. Everyone with an interest is encouraged to read the policy document and respond to the consultation.


Consultation description

Your views are sought on:

•     the overall policy aim of reducing the harm alcohol causes;

•     if, of the pricing options considered, MUP for alcohol is the most effective way of achieving the policy aim;

•     what information or evidence should be considered when setting a MUP for alcohol and the level MUP should be set at initially;

•     if the level of the MUP should be varied over time and, if so, how;

•     the mechanisms for setting the MUP, including the formula and how it will be monitored; and

•     any other information that you feel should be taken on board in respect of the policy or the various impact assessments.

You can respond to this consultation via the Online Survey hosted on Citizen Space, which can be accessed using the Respond Online link below.

Alternatively a word version of the MUP Consultation is available on request:

via E-mail:

by writing to:

Health Development Policy Branch
Department of Health
Room C4.22, Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate


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