The framework was originally launched in 2009, and upon reaching the end of its three year life cycle, has been subjected to a fundamental review. The revised framework contains 56 standards relating to all respiratory conditions as well as to specific conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and includes generic standards which apply to everyone.
- Revised service framework for respiratory health and well being
- Revised service framework for respiratory health and well being - patients version
- Summary of standards
- Consultation questionnaire
- Consultation questionnaire
Consultation description
All service frameworks incorporate a specific set of standards that are identified as generic. The generic standards were subjected to public consultation during 2012, with the consultation closing on the 6th of August 2012. The standards have since been finalised and agreed. We are therefore not seeking comment on these standards as part of this consultation. The relevant standards are clearly marked as generic throughout the document.
The closing date for responses is Friday 2nd January 2015.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.