The Department would welcome your views on its plans to introduce a prototype Regional Obesity Management Service in Northern Ireland. This new service would aim to enhance health and wellbeing in Northern Ireland by focusing on the provision of speciality clinical support, in community and hospital based settings, to address obesity.
- Consultation document (PDF)
- Consultation questionnaire (Word)
- ROMS - Data Protection Impact Assessment Screening
- Draft Equality Screening, Disability Duties and Human Rights Assessment (PDF)
- Draft Rural Needs Impact Assessment (PDF)
- Easy read version (PDF)
Consultation description
Obesity is one of the most significant public health issues facing the population of Northern Ireland today. Having obesity can reduce life expectancy, can increase the risk of a range of health conditions including heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes, and can have a significant detrimental impact on mental health. However, it is possible, through appropriate weight management programmes and interventions, to significantly reduce the risk of health conditions associated with obesity.
It is for that reason that the Department of Health is launching this public consultation on the development of a prototype Regional Obesity Management Service (ROMS) in Northern Ireland. The ROMS would form part of a new approach to weight management, aligning with recommendations set out by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE). It would provide a means for people living with obesity in NI to access treatment and specialist support that is not currently available to them, including weight loss medication and/or weight loss (bariatric) surgery, in line with clinical assessment of need.
Privacy and Confidentiality
For this consultation, we may publish all responses except for those where the respondent indicates that they are an individual acting in a private capacity (e.g. a member of the public). For more information about what we do with personal data please see our consultation privacy notice available on our website.
We are keen to hear from all those who have an interest in obesity management, whether that be from lived experience, or due to professional interest.
Complete the online survey at Citizen Space.
We would prefer responses using Citizen Space, however, if you wish to send an email or hard copy of your response, correspondence details are below.
Please note the consultation will close at 5pm on Friday 1 March 2024.
You may also be interested in the Department’s consultation on a future obesity strategic framework – Healthy Futures. A consultation on the vision, principles, and themes for a strategic framework to tackle obesity is running at the same time as this consultation. Details are available on our website.
Online consultation events
We’ve scheduled three joint Healthy Futures / ROMS online consultation engagement events – to be hosted on Zoom – on the dates below. To book your place at your event of choice, please click the relevant link, which will take you to the Eventbrite booking site. There are 50 places available for each event, and a waiting list will be available once each event reaches capacity.
Event #1: 22 January 2024 – 14:00 to 16:00 -
Event #2: 30 January 2024 – 10:00 to 12:00 -
Event #3: 31 January 2024 – 19:30 to 21:30 -
We’re also hosting an in-person engagement event at the Seamus Heaney HomePlace, Main Street, Bellaghy on Tuesday 6 February.
Event #4: 6 February 2024 – 10:00 to 12:00 - Again, there are 50 places available, and a waiting list will be available once the event reaches capacity.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.